Researching the politics of development

WEBINAR with Sohela Nazneen – Gatekeepers and gamechangers: How do women matter in making change?
Using case studies from research conducted in Nepal, Bangladesh and Uganda, this webinar reveals how powerful women are critical actors in securing policy change and consolidating policy gains. The webinar explores the different strategies that women’s movement actors and women inside the state use behind the scenes to bypass the political gatekeepers and overcome resistance in policy spaces. In all of the case study countries, there is a push-back against women’s rights and the civic space is shrinking. How does the rise of conservative forces also offer insights into how women leaders may continue to matter?
Dr Sohela Nazneen is a Research Fellow at IDS and a Principal Investigator for ESID on women’s empowerment. She has 17 years of experience in working on gender and development issues.
Chaired by Professor Bina Argawal.