Researching the politics of development

WEBINAR – The politics of learning reforms: How can governments be held to account?
Developing countries have been more successful at widening access to education than raising learning outcomes, partly because it is harder to build political support for learning reforms than for widening access. But is this inevitable? This webinar brings together activists, policymakers/practitioners and researchers to discuss experiences with the politics of learning reforms, and share lessons about how to hold governments to account for raising learning standards.
Dr Naomi Hossain, American University
Professor Brian Levy, John Hopkins University
Rakesh Rajani, Co-Impact
Dr Sara Ruto, Peoples Action for Learning Network
Ram Gaire, NCE-Nepal
Chair: Dr Susie Miles, Manchester Institute of Education, University of Manchester
Mohammad Muntasim Tanvir, Global Partnership for Education Secretariat couldn’t take part in the webinar due to technical issues so here he is speaking to Naomi Hossain