Researching the politics of development

Upcoming event (India): Understanding success and failure of guaranteed employment schemes
Delhi, 3ie – International Initiative for Impact Evaluation, 21 July 2014.
“Explaining success, understanding failure in the implementation of the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act”
A striking feature of the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) has been the significant variations in implementation outcomes across and within states. Kunal Sen’s research has examined the factors that determine successful implementation of MGNREGA across eight states in India, as well as variations in implementation across gram panchayats in Bihar, Gujarat, Rajasthan and West Bengal. The study finds that differences in the capacity of the state and commitment of administrative and political elites, along with local power relations and the extent of political competition, affect MGNREGA employment outcomes.
Professor Sen will be presenting the research at the US non-profit organisation 3ie’s office in Delhi. Based in Washington, with programmes operating in Delhi and London under the auspices of the Global Development Network and London International Development Centre, respectively, 3ie (the International Initiative for Impact Evaluation) funds impact evaluations and systematic reviews that generate evidence on what works in development programmes and why.
The research presented will draw on the following ESID working papers:
- ‘They don’t want to work’ versus ‘They don’t want to provide work’: Seeking explanations for the decline of MGNREGA in Rajasthan
- Success and failure in MGNREGA implementation in India
- The political economy of implementing the National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme in India.
The event takes place on 21 July. Find out more and register on the 3ie website.