Public sector reform in Africa: Understanding the paths and politics of change
Briefing No. 28 This briefing explores why some states in Africa seem to be stuck in a spiral of corruption
Varieties of state-building in Africa: Elites, ideas and the politics of public sector reform
Working paper 89 Download pdf Pablo Yanguas Why do some states in Africa seem to be stuck in a spiral

Drilling down into the drivers of extractive industry governance
Anthony Bebbington 4 July 2017 When a country discovers that it has valuable mineral deposits under its soil, some would say it
Brian Levy reviews Duncan Green's 'How Change Happens'
'At times in the last few years,' writes Duncan Green in his recent book, How Change Happens, 'It has felt like something
Alice Evans: The return of the Global Gag Rule, and the global politics of abortion
Let's not overestimate the influence of the US. The rest of the world can stand up for progress. By Dr
The politics of promoting social cash transfers in Uganda
Working paper 69 Download pdf Sam Hickey and Badru Bukenya In 2015 the Government of Uganda agreed to start rolling
Naomi Hossain
Role Naomi Hossain is a Research Fellow at the Institute of Development Studies (IDS) at the University of Sussex, UK,
Political settlements approach to extractive industries in Eastern Africa
Marja Hinfelaar 15 April 2016 In February, I presented some of our ESID research findings on the politics of natural
Spotlight on an ESID researcher: Franklin Oduro
15 April 2016 What is your educational background? I am a political scientist by training. My first degree was in
The political settlement and ‘deals environment’ in Rwanda: Unpacking two decades of economic growth
Working paper 57 Download pdf Pritish Behuria and Tom Goodfellow Abstract This paper explores the political economy of growth in
Hoping for the best, preparing for the worst
17 February 2016 Our Ugandan researcher and journalist, Angelo Izama, on the tensions leading up to the elections
The art of delivery
16 February 2016 Dan Hynmovitz, Head of Insight and Learning and the Tony Blair Africa Government Initiative, share
Good COP, bad COP: How COP21 will impact on the SDGs
1 December 2015 By Professor David Hulme The 21st COP Summit started yesterday in Paris. After almost 20 years of
Indrajit Roy reports from the Annual Conference on South Asia
30 November 2015 By Indrajit Roy Each autumn since November 1971, droves of South Asianists have flocked to Madison, capital

The politics of promoting gender equity in contemporary Uganda: Cases of the Domestic Violence Law and the policy on Universal Primary Education
Working paper 55 Download pdf Josephine Ahikire and Amon A. Mwiine Abstract The paper looks at the ways in which
"Agaciro" the Kinyarwanda word for dignity. Ideas of self-reliance in Rwanda
20 November 2015 By Anna Webster At ESID we're interested in the role of ideas in shaping development. To understand
Exciting research findings on how to make a difference to the lives of the urban poor in India
5 November 2015 By Professor Diana Mitlin, who leads the ESID project on urban poverty in India. This research project is
New book: Making the State Work
4 August 2015 Professor David Hulme, ESID's CEO, introduces this new edition of Governance, Management and Development: Making the State
How commitment and class relations shape MGNREGA implementation in India
Briefing No. 11 Employment outcomes for MGNREGA vary significantly across states, despite similar implementation mechanisms. Research indicates that MGNREGA implementation
Dr Anna McCord
Role Anna McCord is a sociologist with a PhD in economics and over 25 years experience working in international development.
Researching the political economy determinants of economic growth: A new conceptual and methodological approach
Briefing No. 10 Research Framing Paper No. 4 Understanding significant differences in growth trajectories and living standards across countries is
Researching the politics of gender: A new conceptual and methodological approach
Briefing No. 7 Research Framing Paper No. 1 A significant gap exists between the political settlements literature and the mainstream