Researching the politics of development

Thinking Aloud – News from SANEM
9 June 2014.
by Selim Raihan.
ESID partners, SANEM (South Asian Network on Economic Modeling) have launched a new monthly newsletter, Thinking Aloud, edited by SANEM’s Executive Director, Selim Raihan.
The first issue, out this month, focuses on the labour market in Bangladesh.
Features include:
- An assessment of the need for a diversified manufacturing sector for sustained economic growth and employment generation in Bangladesh.
- A look at how social protection must evolve to meet the needs of Bangladesh’s changing labour market.
- An interview with a migrant day labourer, determined that his children will transcend his way of life – his life story represents that of thousands of domestic workers in Bangladesh.
- An assessment of the implications of the Rana Plaza tragedy for the Bangladesh garment industry.
- Macroeconomic update of trends in the Bangladesh economy.
- Review of an article by ESID researchers: ‘Looking for a break: identifying transitions in growth regimes’, Journal of Macroeconomics, 38(B), 2013 (Kar, S., Pritchett, L., Raihan, S. and Sen, K.) (see also ESID Working Paper No 26: ‘Trillions gained and lost. Estimating the magnitude of growth episodes’).
- Plus: latest updates on SANEM research, and news on recent SANEM events.
SANEM was launched in 2007. It is a non-profit research network of economists and policy makers in South Asia with a special emphasis on economic modelling. SANEM seeks to produce objective, high quality, country- and South Asian region-specific policy and thematic research. It contributes to government policy making by supporting research capacity at both individual and organisational levels. SANEM collaborates with global, regional and local think-tanks, research and development organisations, universities and individual researchers.
Visit the SANEM website.
Read Thinking Aloud.
Email SANEM.