Researching the politics of development


New Open Access Book – Controlling the Capital
New Open Access Book – Controlling the Capital

While many consider authoritarianism on the national scale, ‘Controlling the Capital: Political Dominance in the Urbanizing World’ trains its gaze

WEBINAR – The politics of addressing Africa’s urban challenge

Dr Eyob Gebremariam, London School of Economics Dr Tom Goodfellow, University of Sheffield Professor Diana Mitlin, Global Development Institute Chair:

Ghost towns and crackdowns: The politics of urban Covid-19 control
Ghost towns and crackdowns: The politics of urban Covid-19 control

1 May 2020 Tom Goodfellow                  David Jackman As different responses to coronavirus are

Cities and dominance: Urban strategies for political settlement maintenance and change – Zambia case study

Working paper 136 Download pdf Marja Hinfelaar, Danielle Resnick and Sishuwa Sishuwa This paper tracks how the Patriotic Front (PF)

PODCAST – An interview with Sophie King on the process of researching urban poverty in Uganda

Read the working paper on this research here.

State-movement partnership in Uganda: Co-producing an enabling environment for urban poverty reduction?

Working paper 98 Download pdf Sophie King and Peter Kasaija An increasing body of knowledge is emerging about the ways in

Understanding the contribution of the BSUP (JNNURM) to inclusive cities in India

Working paper 97 Download pdf Sundar Burra, Diana Mitlin and Gayatri Menon with Indu Agarwal, Preeti Banarse, Sharmila Gimonkar, Maria Lobo, Sheela Patel,

WATCH: Sarah Nandudu on the factors behind TSUPU's success

Sarah Nandudu, Vice President at National Slum Dwellers Federation, Uganda, identifies key factors behind the success of ESID's Transforming Settlements

WATCH: Effective housing solutions for the urban poor

Professor Diana Mitlin outlines key factors involved in designing effective housing solutions for the urban poor, as part of our

Promoting urban poverty reduction in Uganda: Lessons for Slum-Dweller Federations

Briefing No. 26 The Transforming Settlements for the Urban Poor (TSUPU) Programme was formed in 2010 as a partnership between

Promoting urban poverty reduction in Uganda: Lessons from TSUPU municipalities

Briefing No. 25 The Transforming Settlements for the Urban Poor (TSUPU) Programme sought to align national, municipal and community urban

Promoting urban poverty reduction: Lessons from Uganda

Briefing No. 24 Uganda has one of the highest urban growth rates in the world. An estimated 60 percent of

WATCH: Why are local government committed to reducing urban poverty in Uganda?

5 July 2016 One of the questions that Sophie King is researching is what shapes commitment to reducing urban poverty

WATCH: Introducing our research on urban poverty in Uganda

Diana Mitlin and Sophie King talk about their collaborative research on the needs of disadvantaged groups in cities across Uganda.

Lessons from India’s Basic Services for the Urban Poor programme

Briefing No. 13 This briefing presents research into the effectiveness of India's Basic Services for the Urban Poor (BSUP) programme. It

Universal access to sanitation requires a revolution in understanding

28 September 2015 By Professor Diana Mitlin, who leads the ESID project on urban poverty in India. Goal 6 of

Sheela Patel

Role Sheela Patel is Director of the Society for the Promotion of Area Resource Centers (SPARC) and for the construction

Prof Gayatri Menon

Role Gayatri Menon is an Assistant Professor at the School of Development, Azim Premji University (Bengaluru, India), and an Honorary

The Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM): Lessons learnt

5 November 2014. By Sundar Burra. The Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM), articulated in 2005-06 with a budget

Political settlements applied to urban development: 5 key questions

15 August 2014 By Kate Pruce and Pablo Yanguas. In July ESID hosted a small research workshop devoted to the

Working Paper: Pro-poor urban politics

9 June 2014. ESID's latest Working Paper explores "what we have learnt about how to instigate and embed pro-poor government

Sundar Burra

Role Sundar is a former advisor for the Society for Promotion of Area Resource Centres (SPARC). Research He is working