FINDINGS: How Uganda's political settlement is impeding PSRs
The Ugandan state presents an interesting puzzle for advocates of public sector reforms (PSRs). Though it has been subjected to
The politics of natural resource extraction in Zambia
Working paper 80 Download pdf Marja Hinfelaar and Jessica Achberger Moving beyond the mantra that ‘politics matters’, a range of
Big media for BIGD event in Bangladesh
2 March 2017 Our recent policy workshop with leading Bangladesh experts on growth, education, health and women's empowerment has received
Competitive clientelism and the politics of core public sector reform in Ghana
Working paper 82 Download pdf Daniel Appiah and Abdul-Gafaru Abdulai Although Ghana has implemented several donor-sponsored public sector reforms (PSRs)
Book Review: The Politics of Inclusive Development: Interrogating the Evidence
Dr Brendan Halloran 27 February 2017 I recently reviewed The Politics of Inclusive Development for The Journal of Development Studies.

The politics of negotiating gender equity in Bangladesh
Working paper 76 Download pdf Sohela Nazneen and Rezwan Masud In Bangladesh there is a paradox when it comes to securing
Leadership, stakeholders and learner performance in four Western Cape schools
Working paper 61 Download pdf Ursula Hoadley, Brian Levy, Lawule Shumane and Shelly Wilburn Abstract This paper explores some micro-level
The politics of promoting social protection in Zambia
Working paper 75 Download pdf Kate Pruce and Sam Hickey The rise of the social protection agenda in Zambia over the

The Politics of Inclusive Development – ESID book is now open access
10 January 2017 The Politics of Inclusive Development was recently described by Edward S. Mason Professor of International Development, emerita,
Corporate social responsibility and political settlements in the mining sector in Ghana, Zambia and Peru
Working paper 74 Download pdf Tomas Frederiksen This paper explores and compares the political effects of corporate social responsibility (CSR)

Social protection in an aspiring ‘developmental state’: The political drivers of Ethiopia’s PSNP
Working paper 73 Download pdf Tom Lavers Ethiopia’s Productive Safety Net Programme (PSNP) is among the largest social protection programmes
The political path to universal health coverage: Elite commitment to community-based health insurance in Rwanda
Working paper 72 Download pdf Benjamin Chemouni Rwanda is the country with the highest enrolment in health insurance in Sub-Saharan

Social protection in an aspiring ‘developmental state’: The political drivers of community-based health insurance in Ethiopia
Working paper 71 Download pdf Tom Lavers Ethiopia has been piloting and scaling up a community-based health insurance scheme for

Democracy and growth: How are they related?
By Prof Kunal Sen 8 December 2016 Kunal and colleagues Lant Pritchett, Sabyasachi Kar and Selim Raihan have published a working
WATCH: Benjamin Chemouni on the state of things in Burundi
ESID researcher Benjamin Chemouni comments below on the current political climate in Burundi, which has been in a state of violent
The politics of promoting social cash transfers in Uganda
Working paper 69 Download pdf Sam Hickey and Badru Bukenya In 2015 the Government of Uganda agreed to start rolling

The political determinants of miracle growth in Rwanda
Dr Pritish Behuria and Dr Tom Goodfellow 11 November, 2016 To understand why growth is sustained in some developing countries
Understanding elite commitment to social protection: Rwanda’s Vision 2020 Umurenge Programme
Working paper 68 Download pdf Tom Lavers This paper examines the political economy of Rwanda’s Vision 2020 Umurenge Programme (VUP)
LISTEN: Subhasish Dey asks 'Is partisan alignment electorally rewarding?'
ESID researcher Subhasish Dey recently delivered the below presentation, 'Is partisan alignment electorally rewarding? Evidence from village council elections in India'
LISTEN: Author of Why Nations Fail James Robinson tells us what he thinks of our findings
7 October 2016 In part two of our podcasts on ESID's story so far, James Robinson gives his opinion on
LISTEN: The story so far – a podcast on ESID's findings
Leading ESID researchers Sam Hickey, Sohela Nazneen and Kunal Sen present ESID's findings so far.. [soundcloud url="" params="auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true" width="100%" height="450"
WATCH: Seminal author James Robinson at DSA on why we need to focus more on the micro
James Robinson, author of Why Nations Fail, argues that politics of development research needs to move from the macro to