The ‘new’ institutional politics of Ghana’s hydrocarbon governance
Download pdf Working paper 169 Kojo Asante, Abdul-Gafaru Abdulai and Giles Mohan Ghana’s discovery of oil in 2007 saw a
The politics of power and natural gas in Tanzania: How political settlement dynamics shapes deals in a ‘new oil’ country
Working paper 149 Download pdf Peter Bofin, Rasmus Hundsbæk Pedersen and Thabit Jacob While research suggests that the rise in global
Profile of a Research Associate – Farwa Sial
13 July 2020 In the second in our series of spotlights on Research Associates, we discover more about Farwa Sial

The impact of Covid-19 on oil and gas producers in developing countries
12 June 2020Farwa Sial The global oil industry is experiencing major shocks as the Covid-19 pandemic endures. The challenge to the
Resource nationalism: Enabler or spoiler of pockets of effectiveness in ‘new oil’ Tanzania’s petroleum sector?
Working paper 144 Download pdf Rasmus Pedersen, Thabit Jacob and Peter Bofin A great deal of attention has been paid
Competition, fragmentation and ‘resource factionalism’: The politics of governing oil and gas in Kenya
Working paper 140 Download pdf Matthew Tyce This paper explores how Kenya’s political settlement has shaped the governance of its
What drives successful economic diversification in resource-rich countries?
Working paper 139 Download pdf Addisu A. Lashitew, Michael L. Ross and Eric Werker The ‘resource curse’ is often understood
On Uganda’s 'long march' to first oil and the missing billions in the oil fund
10 March 2020 Angelo Izama Recently a government minister, Hon. David Bahati, claimed that money in early
The politics of governing oil after ‘best-practice’ reforms: Can ‘pockets of effectiveness’ survive within Uganda’s political settlement?
Working paper 128 Download pdf Sam Hickey Angelo Izama Uganda is frequently lauded for adopting a rules-based approach to oil
Universidad del Pacífico presenta libro 'Gobernanza de las industrias extractivas: política, historia, ideas'
8 July 2019 For all non-Spanish readers, this blog is about the launch of the Spanish version of the book, Governing
Five ESID books are open access and free to download
26 June 2019 With the recent publication of two new books, The Politics of Education in Developing Countries and Negotiating
Governing Extractive Industries book launches at Oxfam America
17 April 2019 Professor Anthony Bebbington Having somebody else explain to you what your book is about is both a
Spanish version of Governing Extractive Industries book out now
17 April 2019 Gobernanza de las industrias extractivas : política, historia, ideas Las ideas para el proyecto de investigación sobre
LIVE STREAMED EVENT – Anthony Bebbington speaks at Oxfam America on Extractive Industries, Inclusion, Rights and Climate
Political Settlements and Extractive Industries: Implications for Inclusion, Rights and Climate When: Thursday, 4 April, 2019 12 - 2pm Where:

Prof Sam Hickey on The UN Global Dispatches Podcast – How countries can avoid the resource curse
12 February 2018 Our Research Director, Professor Sam Hickey, is this week featured on The UN Global Dispatches Podcast. He talks
The politics of local content legislation in Ghana
Working paper 104 Download pdf Ishmael Ayanoore The resurgence in local content reforms in most oil-rich Africa countries is broadly
An excerpt from Governing Extractive Industries – Resource Extraction and Inclusive Development
22 August 2018 This exciting new book is drawn from ESID research on natural resource governance that began in 2012.
New journal article on the politics of Ghana's oil
17th July 2018 A new open access article by ESID researchers Giles Mohan, Kojo Asante and Abdul Gafaru Abdulai has

New book Governing Extractive Industries is available for open access!
2 July 2018 Last week we launched a new book, Governing Extractive Industries, at the DSA Conference and now it's
Research on the political economy of Ghana's oil is published in New Political Economy Journal
27 March 2018 ESID Research on the politics of governing Ghana's oil has been published as an article, Party politics and
Is there a fiscal resource curse? Resource rents, fiscal capacity and political institutions
Working paper 96 Download pdf Tania Masi, Antonio Savoia and Kunal Sen While several studies have focused on the effect