Political settlements and the implementation of maternal health policy in the developing world: A comparative case study of Rwanda, Ghana, Uganda and Bangladesh
Working paper 137 Download pdf Tim Kelsall Maternal health, and in particular the issue of reducing maternal mortality, has been
Will South Asia achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030? Learning from the MDGs experience
Working paper 126 Download pdf M. Niaz Asadullah, Antonio Savoia and Kunal Sen This paper contributes to the debate on the Sustainable Development

Political settlements and the delivery of maternal health services in rural Uganda
Working paper 113 Download pdf Badru Bukenya and Frederick Golooba-Mutebi Technical questions, such as systems development and management; governance, the

The political economy of maternal healthcare in Ghana
Working paper 107 Download pdf Abdul-Gafaru Abdulai Despite substantial improvements in access to health services in Ghana during the last

Delivering maternal health services in Rwanda: The role of politics
Working paper 106 Download pdf Frederick Golooba-Mutebi with Yvonne Habiyonizeye Studies examining the impact of different kinds of organisational and
New article in World Development: Why has Rwanda achieved the top health insurance enrolment in Sub-Saharan Africa?
11 April 2018 ESID researcher Benjamin Chemouni has published his research on social protection as an open access article
Big media for BIGD event in Bangladesh
2 March 2017 Our recent policy workshop with leading Bangladesh experts on growth, education, health and women's empowerment has received
Unpacking the ‘Bangladesh paradox’: the politics of inclusive economic and social development
Dr Mathilde Maitrot 22 February 2017 Global Challenge Research Fund Postdoctoral Fellow, Mathilde Maitrot reports from the ESID and BIGD
Towards universal health coverage in Rwanda?
By Dr Benjamin Chemouni 5 January 2017 In 2010, the WHO estimated that, every year, 100 million people are pushed into
The political path to universal health coverage: Elite commitment to community-based health insurance in Rwanda
Working paper 72 Download pdf Benjamin Chemouni Rwanda is the country with the highest enrolment in health insurance in Sub-Saharan

Social protection in an aspiring ‘developmental state’: The political drivers of community-based health insurance in Ethiopia
Working paper 71 Download pdf Tom Lavers Ethiopia has been piloting and scaling up a community-based health insurance scheme for
Governing health care in Uganda: explaining the mixed record on delivering rural maternal health services
Briefing No. 21 Maternal and child health conditions account for over 20 percent of the total disease burden in Uganda.

LISTEN: Podcast on the politics of maternal healthcare
Tim Kelsall gives a talk, revealing our research findings on the politics of maternal healthcare in developing countries https://soundcloud.com/globaldevinst/maternal-health-podcast
Maternal Health Care in Developing Countries – A presentation
9 May 2016 ESID's Tim Kelsall, Frederick Golooba-Mutebi and Sam Hickey recently presented their research on the performance of maternal
What are our findings on Ghana?
Anna Webster 13 April 2016 So the ESID team are back in Manchester following a great week
Politics and health service delivery: Insights from Ghana
Briefing No. 16 Ghana has a mixed record in terms of health outcomes. Research presented in this briefing suggests that
Researching the political economy of social protection in Africa
30 March 2015 By Tom Lavers When and why do states take a direct interest in the welfare of their
Dr Tim Kelsall
Role Tim Kelsall is a Senior Research Fellow at the Overseas Development Institute (ODI), London, and and Research Director for
Social accountability or social transformation? Working ‘with’ and ‘against’ the grain
06 March 2015 By Sophie King Social accountability has become an important ‘buzzword’ among development actors seeking to understand the
Seiha Heng
Role Seiha Heng is a Research Fellow at the Cambodia Development Resource Institute (CDRI) in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Research Seiha
Paths to development: Is there a Bangladesh surprise?
15 January 2015 [5 December 2014 original post]. By Niaz Asadullah and Antonio Savoia. Bangladesh’s economy has recorded remarkable economic

The political economy of inclusive healthcare in Cambodia
16 December 2014 In their latest ESID working paper, Tim Kelsall and Seiha Heng explain how Cambodia’s political settlement is