Gender equitable policy reforms in Bangladesh: The role of informal networks and practices
Working paper 154 Download pdf Maheen Sultan and Pragyna Mahpara This paper explores the way power operates in a gendered

Covid-19 and domestic violence: Caring states?
30 April 2020 Sohela Nazneen ESID's expert on the politics of domestic violence sets out vital ways that states can

Reclaiming gender justice: We must act now to counter backlash threatening women’s rights globally
23 March 2020 Sohela Nazneen Sohela Nazneen is editor of the open access book Negotiating Gender Equity in the Global
PODCAST: The politics of domestic violence policy – Sohela Nazneen talks to Prof Diane Elson
6 February 2020 Listen to ESID researcher, Sohela Nazneen, in conversation with economist and gender specialist, Professor Diane Elson, for
Acting together: Harnessing the power of the collective for reform
Sohela Nazneen 19 December 2019 This blog features Sohela's ESID work on gender and was originally published by The
Will South Asia achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030? Learning from the MDGs experience
Working paper 126 Download pdf M. Niaz Asadullah, Antonio Savoia and Kunal Sen This paper contributes to the debate on the Sustainable Development
Five ESID books are open access and free to download
26 June 2019 With the recent publication of two new books, The Politics of Education in Developing Countries and Negotiating

PODCAST – Sam Hickey and Sohela Nazneen present findings of ESID book, Negotiating Gender Equity in the Global South
30 May 2019 In this podcast, Professor Sam Hickey presents an overview of ESID's new book, Negotiating Gender Equity in
The interplay of ideas, institutional innovations and organisational structures: Insights from group farming in India
Working paper 116 Download pdf Bina Agarwal An innovative development programme requires ideas at multiple stages, from conception to implementation.

NEW OPEN ACCESS BOOK – Negotiating Gender Equity in the Global South: The Politics of Domestic Violence Policy
12 March 2019 "This book provides exciting new ways of thinking about how women’s rights policy change occurs in the Global
The politics of gender equity in the Global South
8 March 2019 Professor of Politics and expert on gender and institutions, Georgina Waylen, is a contributor to the forthcoming ESID
Political settlements, women’s representation and gender equality: The 2008 gender-based violence law and gender parity in primary and secondary education in Rwanda
Working paper 94 Download pdf Jennie E. Burnet and Jeanne d’Arc Kanakuze This paper explores the ways in which power
A political settlement approach to gender empowerment: The case of the Domestic Violence Act and girls’ education policy in Ghana
Working paper 91 Download pdf Beatrix Allah-Mensah and Rhoda Osei-Afful Although rightly lauded as one of the strongest democracies in Africa,
LISTEN: Sally Cawood discusses domestic violence in Bangladesh
GDI Phd candidate Sally Cawood talks about some of her observations during field work in Bangladesh. Read ESID research on
What do we wish for women worldwide?
It's International Women's Day 2017 and we're marking it with the wishes of 12 researchers from our global network of
WATCH: Alice Evans on the return of the Global Gag Rule
It's International Women's Day on Wednesday (March 8), and we'll be bringing you comment from some of our gender researchers
Big media for BIGD event in Bangladesh
2 March 2017 Our recent policy workshop with leading Bangladesh experts on growth, education, health and women's empowerment has received
Unpacking the ‘Bangladesh paradox’: the politics of inclusive economic and social development
Dr Mathilde Maitrot 22 February 2017 Global Challenge Research Fund Postdoctoral Fellow, Mathilde Maitrot reports from the ESID and BIGD

The politics of negotiating gender equity in Bangladesh
Working paper 76 Download pdf Sohela Nazneen and Rezwan Masud In Bangladesh there is a paradox when it comes to securing
Spotlight on an ESID expert – Research Associate Eleni Sifaki
2 February 2017 Eleni Sifaki recently joined ESID as a Research Associate and is currently focusing on our women's
Alice Evans: The return of the Global Gag Rule, and the global politics of abortion
Let's not overestimate the influence of the US. The rest of the world can stand up for progress. By Dr
The politics of promoting gender equity in Uganda
Briefing No. 19 The framework used in this study brings together a political settlement approach and recent feminist analysis of