New Open Access Book – Controlling the Capital
While many consider authoritarianism on the national scale, ‘Controlling the Capital: Political Dominance in the Urbanizing World’ trains its gaze
WEBINAR – The politics of addressing Africa’s urban challenge
Dr Eyob Gebremariam, London School of Economics Dr Tom Goodfellow, University of Sheffield Professor Diana Mitlin, Global Development Institute Chair:
The political economy of health insurance enrolment in Ethiopia: Party, state and the quest for universal health coverage
Working paper 156 Download pdf Tom Lavers Many developing countries are considering insurance as a means of pursuing universal health

The politics of dominating Addis Ababa
17 August 2020 Eyob Balcha Gebremariam Recent GDI alumnus and now Research Fellow at LSE, Eyob draws on his ESID
The politics of dominating Addis Ababa (2005-2018)
Working paper 148 Download pdf Eyob Balcha Gebremariam After surviving the most challenging electoral competition in May 2005, the Ethiopian
State infrastructural power and social transfers: The local politics of distribution and delivering ‘progress’ in Ethiopia
Working paper 147 Download pdf Tom Lavers This paper examines the politics of implementing the PSNP in Ethiopia. The PSNP

Covid-19 and the Politics of Social Protection
11 May 2020 Tom Lavers Social protection has already and will continue to be key to the response to Covid-19.
The politics of distributing social transfers in Oromiya, Ethiopia: Encadrement and the fluctuation of state infrastructural power
Working paper 142 Download pdf Tom Lavers, Dunyat Haile and Yerosan Mesfin This paper examines the politics of distributing the
The politics of distributing social transfers in Afar, Ethiopia: The intertwining of party, state and clan in the periphery
Working paper 141 Download pdf Tom Lavers, Dawud Mohammed and Bisrat Wolde Selassie This paper examines the politics of distributing social

Productivist social protection in Ethiopia’s ‘developmental state’
12 June 2019 Tom Lavers Two recent ESID papers published in African Affairs and Social Science and Medicine (both open

PODCAST – Dr Tom Lavers presents: The politics of distribution in Ethiopia's 'developmental state'
19 March 2019 Social protection expert Dr Tom Lavers gives a presentation to The African Studies Centre at The University of
The politics of distributing social transfers in Ethiopia
5 March 2019 ESID researcher Dr Tom Lavers is currently in Ethiopia disseminating our work on social protection.

Viewing the territorial reach of the Ethiopian state through the lens of social protection
14 May 2018 Tom Lavers A drive of little more than an hour from the eastern edge of Tigray into Afar
Not an ordinary speech: A reflection on the first speech of the new Prime Minster of Ethiopia
23 April 2018 Amdissa Teshome An independent consultant and social science researcher, Amdissa Teshome reports from Addis Ababa with a
Social protection in Ethiopia
6 July 2017 On a recent visit to Addis Abada in Ethiopia, Tom Lavers presented his latest research on social

Social protection in an aspiring ‘developmental state’: The political drivers of Ethiopia’s PSNP
Working paper 73 Download pdf Tom Lavers Ethiopia’s Productive Safety Net Programme (PSNP) is among the largest social protection programmes

Social protection in an aspiring ‘developmental state’: The political drivers of community-based health insurance in Ethiopia
Working paper 71 Download pdf Tom Lavers Ethiopia has been piloting and scaling up a community-based health insurance scheme for
Crises and social protection in Ethiopia: New challenges, new opportunities?
Dr Tom Lavers 12 April 2016 ESID research on the politics of social protection shows that crises have been central
Researching the political economy of social protection in Africa
30 March 2015 By Tom Lavers When and why do states take a direct interest in the welfare of their
Dr Tom Lavers
Role Tom is a Lecturer in Politics and Development at the Global Development Institute, The University of Manchester, and lead
The political economy of social protection
Phase 1 - the political economy of social protection expansion in Africa Objectives This research analyses the political economy of
Richard Joseph argues against development without democracy in Africa (CDD Ghana)
7 April 2014. Last month our partners at the Ghana Center for Democratic Development hosted political scientist Richard Joseph (Northwestern