The Kenyan National Treasury: A ‘pocket of effectiveness’ curtailed
Working paper 150 Download pdf Matthew Tyce This paper examines the factors that have shaped the ability of Kenya’s National
David Hulme: Why the UK must keep military activity away from international aid
A day is a long time in politics and the first full day of election campaigning was dominated by suggestions
LISTEN: Author of Why Nations Fail James Robinson tells us what he thinks of our findings
7 October 2016 In part two of our podcasts on ESID's story so far, James Robinson gives his opinion on
Pep Guardiola's lessons for the politics of development
By Dr Tim Kelsall 19 August 2016 Last weekend the 2016-17 English Premier League kicked off, with one of the
WATCH: Duncan Green on How Change Happens (and how to make it happen)
The challenge of public sector reform in Ghana
By Pablo Yanguas 5 April 2016 Will legal reform be enough? How can regular people be involved in debates about effectiveness?
Political analysis: sticking plaster or salvation?
29 April 2014 A conversation between Chris Jordan and Pablo Yanguas Pablo: The new ESID briefing on "Making political analysis
The challenges of managing development differently
8 April 2015 By Pablo Yanguas. On April 2nd ODI hosted a group of aid practitioners and public sector researchers
What comes after all the shouting about politics and aid?
3 February 2015 By Pablo Yanguas. Last week DFID's research team hosted representatives from four research programme consortia on development,
Politically-informed aid: Video and tweets from the New Directions in Governance conference
10 October 2014. By Pablo Yanguas. Last month I was delighted to participate in a conference on "New Directions in
Post-conflict inclusion and elite pacts in Solomon Islands
8 October 2014. ESID's latest working paper explores how exclusive pacts become wider political settlements, using the recent post-conflict history
The reality of the zero-aid budget in Malawi
24 September 2014 By Blessings Chinsinga. The new government of Malawi that was ushered into power following the 20 May
Politics in the trenches of development: Mainstreaming political economy analysis in aid agencies
7 May 2014. By Pablo Yanguas. "Politics matters for development". From project officers all the way up to the heads
Deciphering the confusing new politics of international aid
12 March 2014. Earlier this year Thomas Carothers was a guest lecturer at ESID's "Adrian Leftwich Memorial Lecture". During his
Professor David Hulme
Role David Hulme is CEO at ESID. He is also Professor of Development Studies and Executive Director of the Global
Political Economy Analysis (PEA) and the production of commitment to development
Objective This research project systematically examines how International Development Agencies (IDAs) are using Political Economy Analysis (PEA) both as formal

Donors, development agencies and the use of political economic analysis: Getting to grips with the politics of development?
Working paper 19 Download pdf Laura Routley and David Hulme Abstract This paper examines the take up of Political Economic
The politics of aid revisited: a review of evidence on state capacity and elite commitment
Working paper 7 Download pdf Arjan de Haan, Ward Warmerdam Abstract Based on a systematic review of the impacts of