Political settlement dynamics and the emergence and decline of bureaucratic pockets of effectiveness in Ghana
Download pdf Working paper 173 Abdul-Gafaru Abdulai This paper explores the factors that shape the performance trajectories of three relatively
The ‘new’ institutional politics of Ghana’s hydrocarbon governance
Download pdf Working paper 169 Kojo Asante, Abdul-Gafaru Abdulai and Giles Mohan Ghana’s discovery of oil in 2007 saw a
WEBINAR – The politics of building state capacity in Africa: What role for ‘pockets of effectiveness’?
Dr Marja Hinfelaar, SAIPAR Associate Professor Abdul-Gafaru Abdulai, University of Ghana Dr Badru Bukenya, Makerere University Chair: Professor Sam Hickey,
Political settlements and the implementation of maternal health policy in the developing world: A comparative case study of Rwanda, Ghana, Uganda and Bangladesh
Working paper 137 Download pdf Tim Kelsall Maternal health, and in particular the issue of reducing maternal mortality, has been
The politics of bureaucratic ‘pockets of effectiveness’: Insights from Ghana’s Ministry of Finance
Pockets of Effectiveness Working Paper 3 Download pdf Abdul-Gafaru Abdulai and Giles Mohan Ghana’s Ministry of Finance (MoF) has been
The politics of bureaucratic ‘pockets of effectiveness’: Insights from Ghana’s Ministry of Finance
Working paper 119 Download pdf Abdul-Gafaru Abdulai and Giles Mohan Ghana’s Ministry of Finance (MoF) has been identified as a
LIVE STREAMED EVENT – Anthony Bebbington speaks at Oxfam America on Extractive Industries, Inclusion, Rights and Climate
Political Settlements and Extractive Industries: Implications for Inclusion, Rights and Climate When: Thursday, 4 April, 2019 12 - 2pm Where:
Mohammed Awal
Role Mohammed Awal is a research analyst, and social accountability programming team lead at the Ghana Centre for Democratic Development
The politics of gender equity in the Global South
8 March 2019 Professor of Politics and expert on gender and institutions, Georgina Waylen, is a contributor to the forthcoming ESID

Prof Sam Hickey on The UN Global Dispatches Podcast – How countries can avoid the resource curse
12 February 2018 Our Research Director, Professor Sam Hickey, is this week featured on The UN Global Dispatches Podcast. He talks
Rethinking elite commitment to social protection in Ghana: Insights from an adapted political settlements approach
Working paper 112 Download pdf Abdul-Gafaru Abdulai This paper explores the political economy drivers of Ghana’s flagship cash transfer programme,
Dr Ishmael Ayanoore
Role The focus of Ishmael’s research with ESID is the politics of natural resource governance in Ghana and the broader
The politics of local content legislation in Ghana
Working paper 104 Download pdf Ishmael Ayanoore The resurgence in local content reforms in most oil-rich Africa countries is broadly
New journal article on the politics of Ghana's oil
17th July 2018 A new open access article by ESID researchers Giles Mohan, Kojo Asante and Abdul Gafaru Abdulai has

Decentralisation and teacher accountability: How the political settlement shapes governance in the education sector at sub-national levels in Ghana
Working paper 102 Download pdf Edward Ampratwum, Mohammed Awal and Franklin Oduro Despite a series of reforms designed to improve
EVENT IN GHANA – Symposium on the future of dams
5 June 2018 Our Ghanaian friends and colleagues or anyone in Ghana on June 11th, join us for an important
Research on the political economy of Ghana's oil is published in New Political Economy Journal
27 March 2018 ESID Research on the politics of governing Ghana's oil has been published as an article, Party politics and
Public sector reform in Africa: Understanding the paths and politics of change
Briefing No. 28 This briefing explores why some states in Africa seem to be stuck in a spiral of corruption

Ghana now has free senior high school education – but how do we ensure quality outcomes?
4 December 2017 Experts on the politics of education from Ghana's Centre for Democratic Development, Mohammed Awal and Franklin Oduro investigate the
A political settlement approach to gender empowerment: The case of the Domestic Violence Act and girls’ education policy in Ghana
Working paper 91 Download pdf Beatrix Allah-Mensah and Rhoda Osei-Afful Although rightly lauded as one of the strongest democracies in Africa,
NEWS: Abdul-Gafaru Abdulai is awarded 2017 Gerti Hesseling Prize
30th August 2017 We are delighted to announce that Dr Abdul-Gafaru Abdulai has been awarded the prestigious 2017 Gerti Hesseling
Varieties of state-building in Africa: Elites, ideas and the politics of public sector reform
Working paper 89 Download pdf Pablo Yanguas Why do some states in Africa seem to be stuck in a spiral