New Open Access Book – Controlling the Capital
While many consider authoritarianism on the national scale, ‘Controlling the Capital: Political Dominance in the Urbanizing World’ trains its gaze

How women matter in making change
To mark International Women's Day, Professor Sohela Nazneen presents the key findings of ESID's work on women's empowerment. You need
The politics of distributing social protection in Bangladesh: Insights from the Primary Education Stipends Project (Phase 3)
Download pdf Working paper 164 Naomi Hossain In 2016, a conditional cash transfer programme that had been assisting targeted poor

WEBINAR with Sohela Nazneen – Gatekeepers and gamechangers: How do women matter in making change?
Using case studies from research conducted in Nepal, Bangladesh and Uganda, this webinar reveals how powerful women are critical actors
Gender equitable policy reforms in Bangladesh: The role of informal networks and practices
Working paper 154 Download pdf Maheen Sultan and Pragyna Mahpara This paper explores the way power operates in a gendered
WATCH: In country expert, Imran Matin, on Bangladesh's response to Covid-19
13 May 2020 Chief Executive of The Brac Institute for Governance and Development, Imran Matin reports from Bangladesh on the
Political settlements and the implementation of maternal health policy in the developing world: A comparative case study of Rwanda, Ghana, Uganda and Bangladesh
Working paper 137 Download pdf Tim Kelsall Maternal health, and in particular the issue of reducing maternal mortality, has been
Political economy of policy and implementation in the Bangladesh health sector: Implications for reducing maternal mortality
Working paper 133 Download pdf Simeen Mahmud (with contributions from Nuzhat Sharmeen and Moogdho Mahzab) This paper discusses the politics of
The 2018 Bangladeshi election
Working paper 132 Download pdf Mathilde Maitrot David Jackman Between 1990 and 2009, the violent competition characteristic of Bangladeshi politics
Managing coercion and striving for dominance in Bangladesh
Working paper 129 Download pdf David Jackman Mathilde Maitrot Managing coercion is often central to the pursuit of political dominance,
Dominating Dhaka
Working paper 127 Download pdf David Jackman Throughout Bangladesh’s history, its capital Dhaka has witnessed intense political competition, including numerous
The threat of student movements in Bangladesh: Injustice, infiltrators and regime change
Working paper 125 Download pdf David Jackman For decades, large-scale political mobilisation in Bangladesh has been monopolised by deep-rooted and
Bangladesh is booming, but slide towards authoritarianism could burst the bubble
25 March 2019 M Niaz Asadullah & Antonio Savoia This post was first published in The Conversation
The politics of gender equity in the Global South
8 March 2019 Professor of Politics and expert on gender and institutions, Georgina Waylen, is a contributor to the forthcoming ESID
New open access article in Development and Change – The decline of gangsters and the politicisation of violence in urban Bangladesh
4 July 2018 Dr David Jackman's innovative research on the organisation of violence in Bangladesh has been published in Development
Navigating the labyrinths of the 'deals' world
30 April 2018 Mirza Hassan and Selim Raihan What's responsible for the high and stable growth rate in Bangladesh?
LISTEN: Sally Cawood discusses domestic violence in Bangladesh
GDI Phd candidate Sally Cawood talks about some of her observations during field work in Bangladesh. Read ESID research on
The problem with teachers: The political settlement and education quality reforms in Bangladesh
Working paper 86 Download pdf Naomi Hossain, Mirza Hassan, Md Ashikur Rahman, Khondoker Shakhawat Ali and M. Sajidul Islam Why
Spotlight on an ESID expert – Naomi Hossain
11 May 2017 ESID and IDS researcher Naomi Hossain on her passion for development research, linking climate change
Big media for BIGD event in Bangladesh
2 March 2017 Our recent policy workshop with leading Bangladesh experts on growth, education, health and women's empowerment has received
Unpacking the ‘Bangladesh paradox’: the politics of inclusive economic and social development
Dr Mathilde Maitrot 22 February 2017 Global Challenge Research Fund Postdoctoral Fellow, Mathilde Maitrot reports from the ESID and BIGD
Deals and the Politics of Growth in Bangladesh – A Presentation
The politics of growth in Bangladesh This presentation was given by Mirza Hassan and Selim Raihan at the ESID and