Researching the politics of development

Social Protection: The August 2014 issue of SANEM Thinking Aloud
4 August 2014.
By Selim Raihan.
ESID partner SANEM (South Asian Network on Economic Modeling) has just published the August, 2014 issue of its new monthly digest, Thinking Aloud, edited by SANEM’s Executive Director, Selim Raihan.
This issue focuses on social protection.
Features include:
- A short article, based on an empirical study, which shows that social protection programmes make a positive contribution to raising female labour force participation in Bangladesh.
- An assessment on the need for reforming the Bangladesh social protection system in three major areas: establishing a comprehensive and error-free beneficiary data base; expanding coverage to the residents of urban areas; and enhancing transfer amounts.
- An analysis of the economics of social protection in Bangladesh.
- An interview with Prof. David Hulme, which emphasises the importance of social protection programmes in reducing poverty in Bangladesh, the major changes needed in the current structure of social protection in Bangladesh, and the major challenges ahead.
- A short story on social exclusion in Bangladesh, which shows how social exclusion can be a major concern and why social protection is needed to address this concern.
- A short note showing how SANEM has helped the government of Bangladesh in formulating the Draft National Social Security Strategy document.
- Plus: latest updates on SANEM research, and news on recent SANEM events.
SANEM was launched in 2007. It is a non-profit research network of economists and policy makers in South Asia with a special emphasis on economic modelling. SANEM seeks to produce objective, high quality, country- and South Asian region-specific policy and thematic research. It contributes to government policy making by supporting research capacity at both individual and organisational levels. SANEM collaborates with global, regional and local think-tanks, research and development organisations, universities and individual researchers.