Prof Sam Hickey on The UN Global Dispatches Podcast – How countries can avoid the resource curse
12 February 2018 Our Research Director, Professor Sam Hickey, is this week featured on The UN Global Dispatches Podcast. He talks
How can developing countries learn to tax?
28 January 2019 Antonio Savoia, Roberto Ricciuti and Kunal Sen This blog was first published on OECD Development Matters The
What are the limitations of working with the grain?
17/1/19 Brian Levy This post was first published on Brian's blog Working with the Grain When does
Aid for social protection may help African governments maintain power
Rasmus Hundsbæk Pedersen, Lars Buur, Thabit Jacob and Padil Salimo 18 December 2018 In theory, development aid is about helping
Profile of an ESID expert – Pritish Behuria
27 November 2018 Pritish Behuria is a Hallsworth Research Fellow at The Global Development Institute (GDI), The University of
PODCAST – The ESID Annual Adrian Leftwich Memorial Lecture with Prof Yuen Yuen Ang
12 November 2018 The 6th ESID Annual Adrian Leftwich Memorial Lecture was a fascinating one on how the
PODCAST – Professor Victoria Lawson lecture on re-politicising poverty
7 November 2018 Head of the Relational Poverty Network and Professor of Geography at The University of Washington, Seattle, Prof
Summary of the ESID Annual Adrian Leftwich Memorial Lecture – How did the West get China wrong?
Professor Yuen Yuen Ang 31 October 2018 For decades, Western observers expected that as China’s economy liberalises
Poverty and social injustice: why are people advocating a ‘relational’ approach? (and what does that mean anyway?)
18 October 2018 Chris Lyon The Effective States and Inclusive Development workshop: “Rethinking social justice and the public realm: what
Workshop: Rethinking social justice and the public realm: what can relational approaches offer?
Rethinking social justice and the public realm: what can relational approaches offer? On Thu 1st and Fri 2nd November ESID
How did the West get China wrong? Annual ESID Adrian Leftwich Memorial Lecture by Professor Yuen Yuen Ang
17 October 2018 ESID together with the Global Development Institute is delighted to be welcoming Dr Yuen Yuen Ang, Associate
EVENT – Re-politicising poverty – a lecture on relational approaches
11 October 2018 On 1st and 2nd November we're hosting a two-day workshop on rethinking social justice and the public
Effective states reduce poverty faster
10th October 2018 Antonio Savoia and M. Niaz Asadullah Can poverty be eradicated is the biggest question for development.
"Outstanding" research in prestigious article collection by World Development
20 September 2018 An article in World Development based on an ESID working paper on poverty reduction and the MDGs
Kunal Sen's presentation to UNU-WIDER annual conference – Institutions and economic development
19 September 2018 In his fantastic new role as Director of UNU-WIDER, Professor Kunal Sen delivered this presentation on Institutions

The politics and governance of basic education – drilling into the details
18 September 2018 Lead editor of new open access book on how politics influences learning outcomes in South Africa, Brian Levy
An excerpt from Governing Extractive Industries – Resource Extraction and Inclusive Development
22 August 2018 This exciting new book is drawn from ESID research on natural resource governance that began in 2012.
Global development post-2015: some reflections on convergence and what facilitates it
Antonio Savoia and David Hulme explore what we know and what we should ask next about developmental convergence.

WATCH – Benjamin Chemouni on pockets of effectiveness in Rwanda
7 August 2018 Watch our ESID researcher in Rwanda, Dr Benjamin Chemouni, on his new research into pockets of effectiveness
Call for abstracts for two day workshop and journal special issue
24th July 2018 Rethinking Social Justice and the Public Realm: What can Relational Approaches Offer? We are calling for abstracts
PODCAST – An interview with Sophie King on the process of researching urban poverty in Uganda
Read the working paper on this research here.