Researching the politics of development

Nic van de Walle to deliver Adrian Leftwich Memorial Lecture
Join us on Wednesday 16 November for the Adrian Leftwich Memorial Lecture, an annual event held in memory of this renowned thinker on the politics of development. At this year’s lecture, Cornell University’s Professor Nic van de Walle asks: Can democracy and growth coexist in sub-Saharan Africa?
A leading expert on democratic development, van de Walle argues that Barrington Moore’s landmark book, The Social Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy – which is 50 years old this year – is still essential for understanding the role of the middle class in democratisation. He recasts Moore’s work for today’s global economy, explaining why social class and coalitions are key to generating democracy and economic development.
The lecture will be held 4.30-6pm on 16 November at Cordingley Lecture Theatre, Humanities Bridgeford Street Building, and followed by a free drinks reception.