Researching the politics of development

Dr Henry Chingaipe
Henry Chingaipe is a Director and Lead Consultant at the Institute for Policy Research and Social Empowerment, based in Lilongwe, Malawi. The Institute is an upcoming local thinktank that focuses on politics, governance and development in Malawi. He is a former Lecturer in Political Science at Chancellor College, University of Malawi.
Henry has research interests in many areas straddling political science, public administration and development studies. In particular, he is interested in public policy and institutional analysis; development theory and practice; state theory and praxis; political theory and governance; democracy and democratisation; state-society relations; the politics of international aid and development effectiveness of aid; political economy of development; and programme design and evaluation.
With ESID, he is country researcher for Malawi on the politics of public sector reforms, but is also interested in inclusivity and political settlements.
ESID publications
Currently, Henry is working on public sector reforms in Malawi. It is envisaged that that there will be at least three publications. These will be a country case working paper on public sector reforms in Malawi; a policy briefing paper and a co-authored comparative working paper on public sector reforms, focussing on Ghana, Uganda, Rwanda and Malawi.
Other recent publications
Chingaipe, H. (2014). Malawi: National Integrity System Assessment (Berlin: Transparency International).
Chingaipe, H. (2014) Assessment of the Implementation and Realization of the Right to Food in Malawi (Lilongwe: CISANET).
Chingaipe, H. (2013). ‘Particularistic concertation: state-business relations and state formation in colonial Malawi’ in K. Sen (ed.), State-Business Relations and Economic Development in Africa and India (Oxford: Routledge).
Chingaipe, H. (2010). Business and the State in Malawi: The Politics of Institutional Formation, Maintenance and Change (York: University of York Doctoral Thesis).
Other roles
Country Researcher for Malawi in a multi-country study commissioned by Open Society Initiative for Southern Africa (OSISA) on Anti-Corruption Commissions in Southern Africa, (2015).
Country Researcher for Malawi in a multi-country study commissioned by the Southern Africa Electoral Support Network and the European Centre for Electoral Support on prevention of electoral violence in the SADC Region.
Political Economy Advisor to the Tilitonse Programme in Malawi – a grant-making governance programme supported by a consortium of donors, including DFID, Norwegian Embassy and Irish Aid.