Researching the politics of development

EVENT: Experts gather for the release of path-breaking research findings and the launch of a seminal book on growth in India
20 March 2017
This Wednesday sees the India launch of a seminal book; The Political Economy of India’s Growth Episodes by Professor Kunal Sen, Research Director or ESID and Professor Sabyasachi Kar, ESID Researcher and Associate Professor at Delhi’s Institute of Economic Growth. Launched by the President of The Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), Naushad Forbes, this important book is described as ‘fresh and insightful’ by Harvard’s Lant Pritchett. It uncovers the types of deals between elites and economic actors that cause growth acceleration and what can be done to avoid growth decline.
In addition to the book launch, the event will feature the findings from the past five years of research on the conditions that result in economic growth in India. Prestigious speakers in attendance include journalists, Siddarth Varadarajan and M.K. Venu, and author and political commentator, Paranjoy Guha Thakurta.
Concluding with debate amongst thought leaders on the way forward for India’s development, this event has the potential to make a real difference to the thinking and policy making that shapes the future of India.
Watch Kunal Sen on the book and what he’s anticipating from the event:
For more on this research read the working paper on the political economy of growth episodes.