Researching the politics of development



Dr Roberto Ricciuti

Roberto Ricciuti, ESIDRole

Dr Roberto Ricciuti is Associate Professor of Economic Policy at the University of Verona, a CESifo Fellow and an Honorary Visiting Professor at the Global Development Institute (The University of Manchester). Previously, he was a lecturer at the Royal Holloway University of London and at the University of Florence. He holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Siena and an MSc in Economics from the University of Exeter.


Roberto’s research focuses on several issues related to political economy – from taxation to development, to conflict and network analysis. In many instances, economic history is used as a testbed for analysis.

ESID publications

Ricciuti, R., Savoia, A., and Sen, K. (2016). ‘How do political institutions affect fiscal capacity? Explaining taxation in developing economies‘. ESID Working Paper No. 59. Manchester.

Other publications

Ricciuti, R., Savoia, A. and Sen, K. (2019). ‘How do political institutions affect fiscal capacity? Explaining taxation in developing economies‘. Journal of Institutional Economics 15(2): 351-380.
Drago, C. and Ricciuti, R. (2017). ‘Communities detection as a tool to assess a reform in the Italian interlocking directorship network’, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 466: 91-104.
Vasta, M., Drago, C., Ricciuti, R. and Rinaldi, A. (2017). ‘Reassessing the of the bank-industry relationship in Italy, 1913-1936: a counterfactual analysis’, Cliometrica, 11(2): 183-216.
Caruso, R., Khadka, P. Petrarca, I. and Ricciuti, R. (2017). ‘The economic impact of peacekeeping. Evidence from South Sudan’, Defence and Peace Economics, 28(2): 250-270.
Caruso, R., Petrarca, I. and Ricciuti, R. (2016). ‘Climate change, rice crops and violence. Evidence from Indonesia’, Journal of Peace Research, 53: 66-83.